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APIs Wrapper

External Rest APIs


This API is to create a store

Return Codes

  1. 400 Bad Request - Check you error message return and the body for errors.
  2. 200 - successful return code

Definitions of the body attributes

  1. "estorename": "My store name", -- estorename should not be Empty! , Request must contain estorename!
  2. "estoreaddress": "3170 Wendwood Drive", -- Request must contain estoreaddress , estoreaddress should not be Empty
  3. "addresstwo": "address 2", -- Request must contain addresstwo ,
  4. "city": "London", -- Request must contain city, city should not be Empty
  5. "state": "AL", -- Request must contain state, state should not be Empty
  6. "zipcode": "54375", -- Request must contain zipcode, zipcode should not be Empty
  7. "einnumber": "123456789", -- Request must contain einnumber, einnumber should not be Empty, einnumber must be 9 numeric digits, einnumber must be numeric
  8. "country": "US", -- Country should not be Empty
  9. "gst_hst_number": "12345789", -- at this its only information, and can be "", and not need to be presented to the customer
  10. "phonenumber": "(678) 592-9804", -- phonenumber should not be Empty
  11. "password": "Testing123@", -- This need to be anything and what you provided is sufficient, no need to ask or display for the user on the password, this is a legacy field not used but required to be sent to us. So you will get these message: Request must contain password! and password should not be Empty!
  12. "first_name": "D", -- Request must contain firstname, first name should not be Empty, first name must have 3 characters
  13. "lastname": "K", -- last name must have 3 characters, Request must contain lastname, lastname should not be Empty
  14. "company_email": "", -- Request must contain email, email should not be Empty
  15. "email": "", -- Request must contain email, email should not be Empty
  16. "referralcode": "1245324534", -- optional but if you include -- Request must contain referralcode
  17. "phoneno": "(111) 111-1111", -- Request must contain phoneno, phoneno should not be Empty
  18. "web_url": "", -- not required supply ""
  19. "consultantid": "", -- not required supply ""
  20. "consultantname": "", -- not required supply ""
  21. "legalname": "" -- not required supply ""

Example Body

"estorename": "My store name",
"estoreaddress": "3170 Wendwood Drive",
"addresstwo": "address 2",
"city": "London",
"state": "AL",
"zipcode": "54375",
"einnumber": "123456789",
"country": "US",
"gst_hst_number": "12345789",
"phonenumber": "(404) 592-9804",
"password": "Testing123@",
"first_name": "DAA",
"lastname": "KAA",
"company_email": "",
"email": "",
"referralcode": "",
"phoneno": "(111) 111-1111",
"web_url": "",
"consultantid": "",
"consultantname": "t",  
"legalname": ""  


This API use to upload images, videos and text files.

To upload store images, sponsor marketing and my marketing videos and image, and messages in a text file, this API endpoint can be used.

You need to pass file in form data under body tab in postman. parameter name for file should be file. That parameter is required. file type and storeNo are also required parameters.


The API use update the profile data of a store.

All fields marked as red * in StoreProfileSave schemas in swagger are required fields, If there will be missed any of the field, you will get 400 bad request in response of API call.

In order to save new profile OR update profile, you need to perform the below steps:

  1. You need to call /upload-objects before calling this API. You can pass image file to /upload-objects API, and that API will return you a public link for your store image profile URL. (If you want to update profile image and have an image URL, then you can skip this step.)
  2. You need to pass that URL in the value of image1_name parameter in /storeprofilesave API (as image1_name is required field, that's why It's necessary to call /upload-object API, when you don't have image URL).

Note: Need to preform the same step for image2_name parameter of /storeprofilesave API.


This API use to load the profile data of a store.

That API have 2 parameters and both are require. In successful response, API will return profile data having store images with public accessible link not files. For more details related to request body please refer to 'StoreProfileGet' in 'Schemas' section.


This API use to get the store products.

You need to call this API to get store products. This API have functionality of pagination in it. With and without pagination, the numbersofrows is a parameter need tell the API that how much records you want to load in a single call.

There are following parameters you need to pass when you are implementing the pagination:

1. lastprodid
2. numbersofrows
3. direction

The searchString parameter is need to pass when you want to search products by there name, SKU, brand Name OR Item name.

If you want to search product with category, you need to pass value of category and parent category in parameter named category and parent respectively. In that case, if there is no parent you can pass parent as empty string.

The pagination, search by text and search by category are three different cases which could be handled in One API call by passing value of any one which you want, and values of others will be empty. Example: You are loading 2nd page of products, body of API call looks like below:

    "domainname": "",
    "platformid": "csc",
    "cbpnumber": 3,
    "storenumber": 2297,
    "uniqueid": "2",
    "numbersofrows": 25,
    "lastprodid": 626,
    "searchType": "",
    "searchString": "",
    "direction": "next",
    "parent": "",
    "category": ""

For more details related to request body please refer to 'StoreParentProducts' in 'Schemas' section.


This API use to get the store parents products states.

That API return the number of products against a search, category OR products after any product.

Example: You passed lastprodid 251 and other parameters were empty, in result API return 201 products. That result will be different from the case when you pass last product ID and search text "XYZ" because API tried to search All products after the product id 251 having name, SKU OR brand having "XYZ".

For more details related to request body please refer to 'StoreParentProducts' in 'Schemas' section.


This API use to create order notifications .

You need to call this API to create a new order notification.


This API use to load files of a store from S3

To get text files of text messages, videos and images of sponsor marketing and my marketing, this API can be used.

The API will return you the key, and bucketName. Using these things you can access the file in your application by creating dynamic URL for your file like, "https://" + bucketName + "" + key. As an output Dynamic link should look like

For more details related to request body please refer to 'LoadS3Objects' in 'Schemas' section.


This API use to load offer page of a store.

To get HTML content of a stores offering page, That API can be called.


This API use to create new eStore.

API can be used to register a new store using the below details in request body. For more details related to request body please refer to 'StoreSignup' in 'Schemas' section.


This API use to delete the file from a store.

2nd profile image of a store can be deleted by calling this API.

For more details related to request body please refer to 'DeleteItem' in 'Schemas' section.